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The machines didn’t kill mankind...
They surpassed them.

Humanity’s greatest creation, the sentients, were better in every way: ageless, brilliant, and, worst of all, capable of originality, art, and compassion. They created the island nation of Oberon for themselves, far from people. This left human society to bicker over their visions of the future and how much, if any, help to accept from the sentients.

Daniel Everett, a government official in Newland—the closest trading partner with the sentient nation of Oberon—finds himself on the bridge between these colliding visions. Born in Newland’s bitter rival Luminia and close friend to Jin, a sentient, Daniel is in a unique position to observe and influence as nations struggle to define and advance their relationships.

With sharp wit, poignancy, and humor, Pale Blue Dot explores the perils and possibilities that emerge when our inventions eclipse their inventors—and the universal search for meaning in spaces within and beyond ourselves.

Author's Bio

H. V. Alyx was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and now lives in Montreal, Canada.

When she is not writing, she spends most of her time reading and traveling working full-time to pay her bills.

The New York Times and the USA Today have not heard of her yet.

Drop her a message at

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